
Showing posts with the label tech news

Methods used for Facebook hacking and how to protect against it

Facebook is the most used social networking website used by millions of people daily.  This is the reason why everyone wants to get in this website and hack it.  The most asked question on our website and facebook fan page is “How can I hack a Facebook account?”.  There are only few methods which someone can use to hack their friend’s Facebook account.  Today I will discuss all those methods. And also will give a few tips on how to protect your facebook account from being hacked. Phishing Attach Phishing attack is the most common method of Facebook hacking. In this attack, you are sent to a website which is a copy of Facebook.  When you type your email id and password in the fields, those credentials are saved in a separate text file without giving any information to the Victim. Protection:- Whenever you open facebook, may sure to see the URL bar. It should be and not or something else. Keylogging Keylogging is

Facebook Is About to Completely Change Your Profile

Today, Facebook revealed a slew of new features and controls for your profile—including the ability to use a looping video as your photo. 

​Google to hit pause on Flash ads in Chrome on September 1

This article, ​Google to hit pause on Flash ads in Chrome on September 1, originally appeared on source Google will hammer one more nail in Flash’s coffin with a feature that will soon prevent many Flash ads from displaying in Chrome desktop. The feature was rolled out to Chrome beta in June and will become generally available on September 1.  While Google won’t block Flash in Chrome outright, it will only allow it to play “central content” like videos while pausing peripheral content such as Flash animations. Google said yesterday that the feature will mean “pausing many Flash ads”.  Chrome users will be able to choose to run the Flash ads if they want, but they’ll need to manually enable that in Chrome’s content settings. Amazon too has chosen September 1 to step serving Flash ads on, citing changes to Chrome, Mozilla Firefox, and Apple Safari that limit Flash content. Google has described its shift away from Flash as a means of reducing Chrome’s