
Showing posts with the label horse penis

Horse bites off six-year-old’s penis

Surgeons have successfully re-attached a six-year-old’s penis after it was bitten off by a horse.  The boy was riding past the mare on his bicycle when it suddenly attacked him, knocking him to the ground. The screaming child ran back to his dad, who called an ambulance and then searched for and found the severed member. It happened in the Zhytomyr Oblast region of northern Ukraine. The father, who did not wish to be identified, said: ‘I was dealing with the horses when I heard my boy screaming,  she bit it off, she bit it off! ‘I put my hands onto his crotch to stop the bleeding and called emergency services.’ The boy was rushed to the nearest hospital for emergency surgery. Doctor Igor Vishpinsky said: ‘We have had difficult cases in the last few years but we never experienced something like this Maybe a severed finger or something like that from a horse bite, but definitely nothing like this.  It was an extraordinary situation.’