
Showing posts with the label sex ed test

A girl aged 14, writes the most bang-on answers for sex ed quiz

This incredibly sassy 14-year-old is winning in all aspects of life after giving these amazing sex ed quiz answers.  The young schoolgirl was asked to write a response to questions from a man pressuring her into getting physical without a condom. Her answers are bang-on, and a blunt reality check that the youth of today are completely zapped of all innocence. But not everyone agreed – she’s since been suspended from school. It’s probably because shes quite, well, liberal with her swearing. One question asks: ‘I’m clean, I don’t have any infections.’ To which she replied: ‘Go f*** yourself.’ When asked how she would respond to a man telling her he didn’t want to use protection because it’s uncomfortable, she said: ‘Look at all the f**** I give.’ Right on.