
Showing posts with the label California

Man saves his family and barbecued ribs from house fire, gives incredible interview about it

Food and family: they’re two of the most important things in life – and this man won’t let you forget it. He’s Robert Wright, and he was barbecuing some late night ribs at his home in Fresno, California home when a fire broke out. But amazingly, he managed to avoid a Sophie’s Choice situation between his family and his beloved ribs – and was able to save both. The result? This amazing interview with KMPH FOX 26 News – in which Robert attempts to outline what happened, and reassures us that the only injury he sustained was smoke in his lungs. But he’s unphased as he ‘already had smoke in [his] lungs from an entirely unrelated incident’. Describing the incident, he said:  ”I got my kids first and I thought about my ribs and like I didn’t want let my ribs burn and stuff cos I take pride in what I do man,  it’s like 3 o clock in the morning. ‘I was hungry man, I was like, man, put them ribs on their man some hot links and stuff man we got it going and stuff but

Pigeon caught trying to fly drugs into prison

Pigeon discovered attempting to fly Cocaine and Cannabis into prison Initially it was a feline, then an iguana and now a pigeon.  Correct, they've all been discovered attempting to carry drugs into a Costa Rican jail.  On Tuesday protects the La Reforma Penitentia, in San Jose, caught a winged creature that had 14 grams of cocaine and 14 grams of cannabis strapped to it in a little pack.  'They watched the lump on the creature so they caught it and affirmed that it conveyed a sack with zipper – and the drugs were inside…  It appears the bird was prepared for it,' said Prison executive Paul Bertozzi.  The pigeon is evidently being bolted up for 40 days so it doesn't head straight back to the individuals who sent 

Woman ‘pepper sprayed restaurant manager’ in burrito row

So, you’ve just been served a burrito that you’re not entirely happy with. Do you:  a) Politely address your worries with staff and check whether the issue can be determined,  or b)  Spray the chief in the face with pepper shower?  Ideally every one of you picked alternative a  Be that as it may, police are examining after a lady chose to run with the second alternative.  Witnesses say the lady was swearing and acting forcefully before tossing a dish of business cards at staff.  The director took after the client outside to bring down her tag, and that is the point at which it heightened.  Was the staff part showered, as well as clients were given the treatment too.  Rose Keith, holding napkins to her eyes taking after the assault, told NBC4:  'I simply happened to take a gander at her and she showered me and the representative in the face.  'I didn't recognize what to think,  I've never had pepper splash in my face. It was horrible, its t