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The Interview and Kim Jong-un farce is no laughing matter

I don't think it's a publicity stunt. I just think that a really bad film got lucky So it turns out that The Interview – the world’s most over-hyped movie since Ishtar – is a pile of poo… who’d have thunk it? I’m not a huge fan of Seth Rogen and James Franco at the best of times.  The idea that they might have somehow made a biting satirical comedy that both exposes and ridicules the hideous Pyongyang regime was the only laughable thing about the whole affair. I’m a total anti-conspiracy theorist type of guy. I can’t, however, stop thinking that, just possibly, the Sony HackingGate affair might just be the world’s greatest publicity stunt? There are queues round the block now to see this awful movie.  These defiant punters are showing Pyongyang that “nobody tells me what shit to see …” Meanwhile all Sony have to do is release some “embarrassing” stuff from in-house emails that allows them to say what they really think about their pampered stars?