
Showing posts with the label French bulldog

Dog with two ball ponds sums up the excitement of Christmas

Dog with two ball ponds sums up the excitement of Christmas | Dog with two ball ponds sums up the excitement of Christmas Did Father Christmas leave you anything special this year? No matter how excited you were about it, you will never experience sheer delight like this dog with two ball ponds. The French Bulldog Eva just can’t decide which pond she likes better, and keeps scurrying between the two, sending balls flying in every direction. Animal sanctuary Dogs Park uploaded the footage of Eva, and if their other videos are anything to go by, she’s a bit of rascal every other day as well. After nearly a minute of running back and forth between the two ponds she works up quite a sweat and urgently needs to take a water break. We can only assume she got right back to her beloved ball ponds right after getting rehydrated.