
Showing posts with the label Katiehopkins

This Open Letter To Katie Hopkins Has Gone Viral

“Dear Katie, Earlier today it came to my attention that you had tweeted your opinions about depression – the biggest mental health issue that faces this country, bar your ignorance. Many believe that the opinions you spout are nothing more than a cry for attention much like when a dog defecates for the attention of its owner, which ironically is a form of separation anxiety. When I read your tweets I was not surprised that you had decided to shit on the floor in the hopes of a reaction – Something you have done many times and will probably continue to do until you fade away into obscurity. Unfortunately this is not the Big Brother house so you cannot be voted out and we cannot turn you down as you did to Lord Alan Sugar – because, like a bad smell you return to fill the nose of society with your stench. I have seen your opinions in the past and I have kept my thoughts to myself, however, this is something I can do no longer. These tweets were made in re