
Showing posts with the label pictures

7 gorgeous photos of redheads that challenge the way we see race

How many non-white redheads do you know? Think about it. Around 1-2% of the world's population boasts natural red hair, which is caused by a genetic mutation in the melanocortin-1 receptor, or MC1R (this mutation might also explain their superpowers). Despite making up such a small percentage of the population, most of us have the same stereotypical image in our heads when we think of redheads:  light-skinned, freckled white people with curls of flaming hair and a fiery temper to match. Aside from the obvious issue of assigning a temperament to someone based on hair color,  there's one other weird conclusion here: Why do we think that all redheads are white? A London-based photographer is opening eyes by turning her camera lens on black and biracial redheads. Photographer Michelle Marshall, a French-born, London-based photographer, spoke with Upworthy about the genesis of her project over email.  Michelle had been working on

The Destructive Nature of Human Beings in Pictures

Mankind is a heartless tumor spreading all over the globe, leaving a trail of demolition afterwards.  The sheer size of demolition that we have brought on is presently hopeless and the absence of union between logical hypothesis and political activity could well be the last nail in the pine box for us.  That's right, we've fucked it, and these photos delineate the circumstance pleasantly…  For us to stand any chance of somewhat limiting the damage we have caused as a species we must begin to respect the fragile nature of the planet that underpins our very existence. This implies rolling out little improvements to your every day habits . Like not taking plastic bags at the shops, unplugging gadgets when they are not being used and utilizing additional layers to stay warm as opposed to continually whacking the heating up .

When health and safety went out of the window

Health and safety ? Not with these people . We can spot one problem with this… how does it move to the next set of windows? Several-tonne boulder being propped up by twigs? That’s how you’re supposed to use a ladder oh, no maybe not. A spot of window cleaning in a highrise without a harness? No problem Who needs a proper jack? (this guy) Massive crane on top of a building? What could go wrong?