Stealing feathered creatures take clothing skinny dippers

These red kites merit an award. 

Stealing feathered creatures take clothing and socks from skinnydippers to make homes

The brave fowls have been taking garments from skinnydippers in Angus, Scotland, and afterward concealing them. 

For any individual who's ever inadvertently gotten a quick look at a stripped individual swimming, this sounds like equity. 

The swimmers at the Scottish excellence spot had been left confounded by the vanishing of their clothing. 

Be that as it may, the secret was explained when a gamekeeper went over a natty home lined with appropriated jeans and stolen socks. 

Stealing feathered creatures take clothing and socks from skinnydippers to make homes

'What was truly intriguing was to see socks and clothing from a mainstream swimming spot really in the home and the encompassing trees,' said Dave Clement, head guardian at the Gannochy Estate. 

'It was similar to the kites were tidying up the glen.'