Police said the blocks 'were joined to one another with a glue

It's such a torment when a mass of workers prevents you from boarding a train, and much all the more so when it is a block divider. 

why ?

Police in Hamburg, Germany, needed to manage this issue as of late when some prankster fabricated a block divider in the entryway of a train as of late.

In the wake of burning through 12 hours and €10,000 (£7,300) evacuating the divider, despite everything they have no clue who made it, or why.

Travelers were quickly requested that leave the train when the divider was found, then again it shows up nobody saw the divider being fabricated.

Police said the blocks 'were joined to one another with a glue and connected in the entryway territory to the entryway board with suitable cement'.

Funny or Not ?

Whether it was expected as a trick or some craftsmanship, police have essentially marked the go about as vandalism, and say the culprit could face up to five years in jail or a heavy fine