Triple H Breaks Kayfabe as Authority Heel to Console Crying WWE Fan

— Chris Olds (@chrisolds2009) January 20, 2015

Triple H's role with the WWE these days is very much as a "heel" character. 

Since moving from the ring to his executive role, he is there to give everybody a hard time. He is the man the fans are supposed to love to hate. 

However, you can only act so much, and Triple H showed that he really is just a good guy deep down during Monday night's edition of Raw in Dallas. 

When he spotted that one young fan was crying ringside, Triple H walked over and consoled the child. 

Twitter user Chris Olds, who was in attendance at the event, posted some photos documenting the interaction:

Trips made a kid cry ...
                            Chris Olds (@chrisolds2009) January 20, 2015

 Chris Olds (@chrisolds2009) January 20, 2015
Either way, it was a classy move by Triple H and shows the bad boy stuff really is just an act.

[Twitter, H/T The Inquisitr]